Awesome Prepping and Survival Resources

Category: Survival Methods

  • Prepper Pantry Items: Stocking Up for When Life Throws Curveballs

    Prepper Pantry Items: Stocking Up for When Life Throws Curveballs

    Hey there, folks! Let’s chat about something important today. Do you ever think about what you’d do if life decided to throw you a few curveballs? I get it; life’s like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs. We can be ready for those downs. That’s where having a well-stocked prepper pantry comes into play.…

  • Prepper Antibiotics: How to Get Them and What You Need

    Prepper Antibiotics: How to Get Them and What You Need

    Hey there, friend! Today, I want to dive deep into a topic on the minds of many folks who want to be ready for whatever life throws at them. We’re talking about antibiotics for preppers – how to get your hands on them and what you should have in your prepper arsenal. The Importance of…

  • 10 Things You Need to Survive a Hurricane

    10 Things You Need to Survive a Hurricane

    Introduction So, hurricanes – those wild storms Mother Nature sometimes throws our way. They’re not your everyday weather event. When they hit, they can be pretty scary stuff. But don’t fret; I’ve got your back. In this article, I will explain the ten things you must have in your corner to ride out a hurricane…

  • The Ultimate Prepper Food List: Your Survival Pantry, Sorted

    The Ultimate Prepper Food List: Your Survival Pantry, Sorted

    Alright, my friends, let’s dive into a more important topic than ever–building your prepper food list. I get it; the world’s been a wild ride lately, and having your ducks in a row is just plain smart. So, please grab a cup of your favorite brew, and let’s get honest about prepping for whatever life…

  • Bug Out Bag List: What You Need to Have

    Bug Out Bag List: What You Need to Have

    Hello, folks! Today, we’re discussing something super important – your bug-out bag. I understand that it might sound a bit ‘prepper-ish,’ but trust me, having one of these babies can be a game-changer when things go south. No fancy jargon, just real talk. So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what you must have in…

  • Emergency Heating: How to Survive the Cold

    Emergency Heating: How to Survive the Cold

    Hey there, folks! So, picture this: It’s a bone-chilling winter day, and your heating system decides to go on vacation. I get it; it’s not the surprise party you hoped for. But don’t fret! We will talk about how to keep yourself warm and cozy when that old heater calls in sick. Understanding the Emergency…

  • Long-Term Food Storage: Stocking Up for the Unexpected

    Long-Term Food Storage: Stocking Up for the Unexpected

    Hey there, friend! So, you wonder, “What’s the deal with long-term food storage?” Well, I get it—life’s full of surprises, some good, some not-so-good. But one thing’s sure: being prepared for the unexpected can save your bacon. What’s the Buzz About Long-Term Food Storage? Let’s dive right in, shall we? Long-term food storage is about…

  • Home Defense Ideas for Emergency Survival

    Home Defense Ideas for Emergency Survival

    Hey there! Have you ever thought about prepping your home for unexpected chaos? I get it. Life can be a rollercoaster. Let’s dive into some real talk about securing your home when things go haywire. Assessing Your Home’s Vulnerabilities First things first, let’s look at your home. Picture it like giving it a safety check-up.…